
Baha eddine chammakhi

Software developer based in Tunis, Tunisia

Email / Website / LinkedIn / GitHub / Twitter / DEV

👩🏼‍💻 Technical Experience

Full-Stack Developer @ Wssel (July 2021 - Present)

  • Integrating webhooks with external partners.

Full-Stack Developer @ Bestwebmobile (Feb 2021 - Juin 2021)

  • Create a graphql and REST APIS to be integrated with external systems flowing an architecture that can simply be converted into serverless functions since we made the whole design part based on AWS serverless components.
  • Create react components and handle the state management with the context API.
  • Create a mobile application using React native.
  • Share data layer between Mobile and Web applications using hooks, Apollo client using Lerna.

Full-Stack Developer @ Eggmed (Sept 2020 - Present)

  • Creating UI components and ensure great UX using Reactjs
  • Data communication using GraphQL with Apollo client
  • Creating GraphQL API using Nodejs, Apollo server with MongoDB, and Elastic search as a search engine.
  • S3 setup for data storage
  • Deploying services on AWS using Docker, and Different AWS services like EC2, Route 53, S3.

Full Stack Developer @ Freelance (Janv 2020 - Present)

  • Development of user interfaces, APIs,Servers with the MERN stack (MongoDB / Express / React / Nodejs),Gitlab CI/CD ,Docker,Linux,AWS
  • Adjusted software parameters to boost performance and incorporate new features.
  • Reviewed code, debugged problems and corrected issues.
  • Discussed project progress with customers, collected feedback on different stages and directly addressed concerns.
  • Worked closely with clients to establish specifications and system designs.
  • Documented APIs to be used by other developer's in future features.

Summer intern @ Best web mobile (July 2020 - Sep 2020)

  • Build a monitoring system to track orders status in real time.
  • Implementing Unit tests.
  • Integration tests by mocking GraphQL data.
  • Stack used: ReactJS typescript GraphQL ant design.

Full-stack Developer Intern @ Wereact (Sept 2019 - Apr 2020)

  • Building Web apps using : React, Typescript, Redux, Redux saga.
  • Maintained high-level expertise in React state management strategies, including Redux.
  • Designed REST calls using React to streamline user interface performance.
  • Integrated new interfaces with backend.

Summer Intern @ Wereact (August 2017 - Sept 2018)

  • Researched new technologies, software packages and hardware products for use in website projects.
  • Collaborated with other developers to identify and alleviate software errors and inefficiencies.
  • Used various technologies, including Reactjs, Typescript,css3,Node.js,express,mongodb

👩🏼‍🎓 Education

Bachelor on Network and telecommunications
ISTIC - Ben arous, Tunisia (Sep 2018 - May 2021)

Cloud Application Developer

AWS Fundamentals: Going Cloud-Native

Scrum Fundamentals

Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure